1185 Avenue of the Americas
                            New York, New York 10036

Vice President, Secretary
and Deputy General Counsel
(212) 536-8599
Fax: (212) 536-8241

May 21, 2008


Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Mail Stop 7010
Washington, D.C. 20549

Attn:    H. Roger Schwall, Assistant Director

Re:      Hess Corporation
         Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2007
         Filed February 27, 2008
         Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A
         Filed on March 27, 2008
         Response to Comment Letter Dated April 23, 2008
         Commission File No. 1-01204
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

     Enclosed are our responses to the comments of the staff of the Securities
and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") as transmitted to me by letter dated
April 23, 2008 in connection with the Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended December
31, 2007 filed by Hess Corporation (the "Company") with the Commission on
February 27, 2008 (the "Annual Report") and the Definitive Proxy Statement on
Schedule 14A filed by the Company with the Commission on March 27, 2008 (the
"Proxy Statement", and together with the Annual Report, the "Filings"). By
letter dated May 2, 2008, I confirmed that Mr. Sean Donahue of the staff had
agreed to grant the Company an additional 10 business days to respond to the
staff's letter of April 23, 2008. For convenience, the staff's comments are
reprinted below in bold, with the corresponding response set immediately below
the applicable comments.

     Pursuant to Rule 83 of the Commission's Freedom of Information Act Rules,
17 C.F.R. ss.200.83, the Company hereby requests confidential treatment for the
entire second paragraph of our response to comment 2 of the staff.

     This application for confidential treatment is based upon 5 U.S.C. ss.
552(b)(4), which provide an exemptions from the public availability requirements
of the Freedom of Information Act for trade secrets and commercial or financial
information which is privileged or confidential. This paragraph discusses the
potential competitive harm that could result from disclosure of the target for
the Company's corporate performance goal for its annual cash bonus. We
respectively request confidential treatment of this paragraph for a three-year
period ending May 21, 2011.

Proxy Statement filed March 27, 2008
- ------------------------------------

Compensation Discussion and Analysis, page 10
- ---------------------------------------------

     1.   We note your response to comment one. We further note that you attempt
          to deliver "top-tier direct compensation..." In future filings, please
          clarify the meaning of "top-tier direct compensation." For example,
          does "top-tier direct compensation" mean that the Company pays more
          than the comparator companies, less than some of the comparator
          companies but more than others, or the same amount as comparator

          We note the staff's comment. In future filings, we will clarify the
          meaning of "top tier compensation" by explaining that generally the
          Company targets to pay each named executive officer more than most of
          the comparator companies pay for a comparable position, if performance
          objectives are met.

     2.   We note your response to comment two. We further note that while you
          disclose the amount of the corporate performance goal attained in 2007
          and that you attained the maximum payout on this goal, you do not
          disclose the actual target for the corporate performance goal. In
          further filings, please revise to specifically disclose the actual
          target versus the maximum payout amount of the corporate performance
          goal. To the extent you believe that this disclosure is not required
          because it would result in competitive harm such that you may omit the
          disclosure under Instruction 4 to Item 401(b) of Regulation S-K,
          please provide a detailed supplemental analysis supporting your
          conclusion and provide appropriate disclosure under Instruction 4. In
          discussing how difficult it will be for you to achieve the target
          levels or other factors, provide as much detail as necessary without

          disclosing information that poses a reasonable risk of competitive

          We do not believe we are required to disclose the amount of our
          corporate performance goal because we believe it constitutes trade
          secrets or confidential commercial or financial information under 5
          U.S.C. Sec. 552(b)(4), the disclosure of which would result in
          competitive harm to the Company.

          [This paragraph had been intentionally omitted from this EDGAR
          correspondence pursuant to the abovementioned confidential treatment

          For these reasons, we believe we should not be required to disclose
          the corporate performance goal in future filings. We confirm that in
          future filings, we will provide as much detail as necessary to show
          how difficult it is to achieve the target level without disclosing
          information that poses a reasonable risk of competitive harm.

     3.   We note your response to comment two. We further note that while you
          make a competitive harm argument as to why your business unit
          performance metrics do not need to be disclosed, you do not provide a
          detailed supplemental analysis supporting your conclusion. Please
          provide a more detailed supplemental analysis supporting your
          conclusion and provide appropriate disclosure under Instruction 4. In
          discussing how difficult it will be for you to achieve the target
          levels or other factors, provide as much detail as necessary without
          disclosing information that poses a reasonable risk of competitive

          The basis for not disclosing actual targets for business unit metrics
          was the Company's determination that disclosure of the target for each
          of the approximately 30 metrics that comprise the business unit
          component of the annual cash bonus plan was not material to an
          understanding of any of the named executive officer's compensation for
          2007 (and not otherwise material in the context of our Compensation
          Discussion and Analysis), for the reasons stated in our letter to the
          staff dated April 4, 2008. While we advised the staff that we treat
          our internal financial and operational targets as confidential and
          that competitors could use such information to compete more
          successfully with Company, competitive harm was not the basis for the
          Company's determination not to disclose business unit targets.
          Therefore, we did not provide a detailed supplemental analysis
          supporting a conclusion that disclosure of the targets would result in
          competitive harm.

Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2007
- -----------------------------------------------------

Engineering Comments
- --------------------

- -------

     4.   We note your response to comment four. Please provide us with a copy
          of your reserve report as of December 31, 2007. Please provide this on
          electronic media, such as CD-ROM, if possible. If you would like this
          information to be returned to you, please follow the guidelines in
          Rule 12b-4 under the Exchange Act of 1934. See also Rule 83 under the
          Freedom of Information Act if you wish to request confidential
          treatment of that information. Please send the report to James Murphy
          at mail stop 7010.

          On April 4, 2008, in response to comment 4 of the letter of the staff
          dated March 20, 2008, a CD-ROM copy of the Report of DeGolyer and
          MacNaughton, Registered Professional Engineers, as of December 31,
          2007, on Proved Reserves attributable to the Company was provided to
          Mr. James Murphy of the staff, together with an application for
          confidential treatment.

          Following that submission, on or about April 9, 2008 Mr. Murphy
          notified me by telephone call that the staff was requesting a report
          on proved reserves by field. On April 29, 2008 a CD-ROM copy of the
          Report of DeGolyer and MacNaughton, Registered Professional Engineers,
          as of December 31, 2007, on Proved Reserves presented by field was
          provided to Mr. Murphy, together with an application for confidential

          On May 5, 2008, the Company received a letter from Mr. Murphy
          requesting additional information on cash flows by proved reserve
          category, presented by geographic area, including annual production,
          oil and gas prices, total revenue operating costs and taxes, and
          capital investment. In a telephone call on May 5, 2008 between John
          Rielly, Chief Financial Officer, Kevin Wilcox, Controller, Scott Heck,
          Senior Vice President and me of the Company and Mr. Murphy of the
          staff, and in a subsequent telephone call on May 8, 2008 between the
          same representatives of the Company and Mr. Roger Schwall, Mr. Ronald
          Winfrey and Mr. Murphy of the staff, we advised the staff that we do
          not in the regular course of business maintain the information
          requested in a readily accessible format, that it is not required to
          be disclosed in the manner requested in the Standardized Measure of
          Discounted Future Net Cash Flows, that the Company does not use the
          requested information in the management of its business and that it
          would take many employee hours to compile this information. After the
          staff declined to alter the

          scope of the requested information, we advised the staff that we would
          not be able to respond to the request within 10 business days from May
          5, but that we would determine how long it would take to provide the
          information. The Company continues to believe that this is an unduly
          burdensome request that goes beyond what the staff requires to confirm
          the adequacy of the Company's reserve reporting. Nevertheless, in a
          telephone call on May 20, 2008 the Company advised Mr. Murphy that it
          could provide the requested information by June 9, 2008, and Mr.
          Murphy agreed to extend the date for our response to that date. This
          is to confirm that the Company will provide the information requested
          in the staff's letter of May 5, 2008, together with a request for
          confidential treatment, by June 9, 2008.

     The Company acknowledges that: (i) the Company is responsible for the
adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in the Filings; (ii) staff comments or
changes to disclosure in response to staff comments do not foreclose the
Commission from taking any action with respect to the Filings; and (iii) the
Company may not assert staff comments as a defense in any proceeding initiated
by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws of the United

     If you have any questions concerning the foregoing, please contact me at
(212) 536-8599.

                                                             Very truly yours,

                                                             /s/ George C. Barry

cc:  Mr. James Murphy
     Mr. Sean Donahue
     Ms. Mellissa Campbell Duru
         Division of Corporation Finance
         Kevin Keogh, Esq. White & Case LLP